How To Be The Male Style Icon Who Turn Heads
Will you be the style icon to turn heads from both sexes on the high street, as you grab a quick bite at lunch time? Or will you go unnoticed and blend into the masses?
In the winter, we can get away with covering up with a big coat, however between May and September, style becomes more of a priority when we wear less layers and leave the house or office in our chosen attire for the day.
Will you be the style icon to turn heads from both sexes on the high street, as you grab a quick bite at lunch time? Or will you go unnoticed and blend into the masses? Strangers will always judge you on your appearance before you make conversation, so using your wardrobe to your advantage will always win you points for any occasion, meeting or lunch gathering.
Need some inspiration?
Take advantage of the warm weather to dress in smart casual attire that makes you feel and look great. The staple piece for investment is a pair of smart tailored shorts. Pair with a short sleeve shirt with a hint of character, such as this pink Ralph Lauren shirt. The lighter the shades of your outfit, the more reflective you will be of the bright weather, however, cream or dark shorts will contrast equally with pastel pink shirts.You can opt for a tie to turn up your style gauge, it will add more character and attention to detail to your existing look, however be careful to balance if you want to be more casual than smart or vice versa. Plus layering with a tailored blazer can also create a more formal look.
Wear Your Brogues Out For Summer
Focussing on footwear, the versatile nature of brogues is they can be worn with smart or casual attire. Take for instance, the Jeffrey West Brilleaux Gibson Brogue in a wonderful tan brown. They are perfectly stylish and not designed to be kept for only special occasions in your shoe closet. Get them out and wear them.
Get To Know Your Own Personal Style - Mix and match with a variety of combinations of existing or new shirts, shorts and shoes! With practice, trial and error, you will soon get to know what’s right for you. Be individual and set off subtle new trends; you will become a new inspiration for all your colleagues to dress their best.